Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Well for those who tried to 'name the baby',  it was really very simple.  They are in birth order, Carson, Addy & Mary Claire.

My next endeavor into blogging will be the first in a series of three called "The Story of ..." and the first one will be, "The Story of Carson".  I want to write about them so they can read it and KNOW first hand how I felt about them down deep in my grandmother's soul!  Not just the surface stuff that says I love them because they are special, or sweet or funny but tell them what the thought of them evokes in me and how I have felt about them since I first laid eyes on their sweet faces.  Only God knows how many grandchildren I will have but like the 'old folks' say, "Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise', I will blog to them all!!  Who knows what will come along that is even better than blogging!!!  Here are a few pictures to prepare you for "The Story of Carson" !   ENJOY! 

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